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Saint Francis Healthcare System


Health & Medical Services

About Us

As a Catholic organization, Saint Francis Health System seeks to reflect the presence of Christ in every personal and corporate encounter. Saint Francis Health System operates according to the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services and continually strives to integrate those values put forward in these directives.

We believe that each person is made in the image and likeness of God, and thus we pledge to deliver quality healthcare to all we serve, giving special reverence to those who are newly conceived or near death. Because we believe healthcare is a basic human right, our service to the regional community includes working to shape public policy to ensure that the root causes of ill health and suffering are addressed and eradicated. We seek to develop programs that reach those most in need - the poor, the alienated, the aged - all who struggle for full dignity within our society; programs like the long-standing Xavier Medical Clinic and the Xavier Pregnancy Program. These clinics provide free care for those who otherwise would likely go without necessary medical treatment.

Our mission charges us to provide a place and an environment that instills confidence, trust and hope. By demonstrating to a suffering person that his or her life is precious, we seek to help them discover its meaning and truth. The intended outcome of our combined efforts both for those we serve and for ourselves is a renewed hope for union with the authentic goal of the journey of life and a profound gratitude for each life overflowing into the community at large.

Rep/Contact Info

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Emily Smith
Marketing Director